Arcgis remove 0 values from raster. In the Calculator use the below expression: Con(IsNull(*inputraster*),1,*inputraster*) Alternatively, you can use the Con Geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro. Most software will transparent it out for you by default. Remove noise from your elevation. This will replace the block of 9999 cells with no data and as they are the only cells that are 9999 then the rest of the raster remains the same. Label. The Export Raster pane allows you to export the entire raster dataset, mosaic dataset, image service or the portion in the display. The properties that can be set with this tool determine the The input whose values will be used as the output cell values if the condition is false. The image below shows the value of the raster layer changed to zero (0). Right-click the raster layer in the Contents pane and click Symbology. Input Segmented RGB Or Gray Raster. These all have a value of 0 and 1. 0. 3. 1, raster 1 and raster 2 all with values and similar spatial resolutions, and overlay in some areas. Right-click on the raster layer you want to export, then click Data > Export Jul 25, 2023 · Both rasters above still claim a single-band value range of 0-81, but the Extracted raster appears to have "overexposed" the data, lightening all its values and eliminating its highest. 0003. In ArcMap, navigate to ArcToolbox > Spatial Analyst Tools > Map Algebra and open the Raster Calculator. Feb 25, 2023 · No vídeo mostro algumas opções do QGIS para esconder ou excluir valores NoData ou zero de um raster. Share. By applying different values to each band, you can adjust the degree of red, green, and blue displayed in the color composite image. I have two raster files in ArcGIS 10. That is, if two ranges are specified, such as 1 to 5 equal to 100 and 5 to 10 equal to 200, the value 5 will usually be assigned to the value 100 and 5. tif. For example, if your floating point value was 1. The first raster is a very large DEM of a river network at 15. Nodata value is -3,402823e+038 Jan 10, 2015 · I need to perform a simple calculation in ArcGIS 10. You can convert no data to zero by using the “Reclassify Tool”. Feb 15, 2023 · Open the ArcGIS Pro project. The Manage Mode parameter sets the type of editing operation to be performed. When using the Set Null function, all the values of 1 will be set to NoData, and all values of 0 will be set to the False Raster values. In the Raster Calculator, input the following syntax: Con("InRaster" == -9999, 0 , "InRaster") Note: Edit "-9999" to the particular value in data to be changed to zero. A new multiband raster is created. If your elevation raster has spikes, holes, outlier values, or noise, you can edit these pixels using Pixel Editor. Dialog Python. Aug 23, 2018 · Thus, I thought about using the "Raster calculator" tool and the following command : Con (IsNull (raster), 0, 1). Unfortunately, this didn't work. The parameter supports the following options: Add Aug 6, 2019 · The SetNull tool requires two raster layers in the simplest usage. Mosaic Dataset; Raster Dataset; Raster Layer. The folder or geodatabase to store the raster. The best part is that you can reclassify a range of values. The resulting raster is shown below and displays the many different output zones. The output from these Removing the background area of a raster layer using the Image Analysis window. (Optional) Specify the tile width from Segment Mean Shift. 629 and you want to round to two decimal places, multiply by 100, and add 0. Certain properties, such as currency symbols and To change the appearance of an image layer, complete the following steps: Click the Symbology button, located on the Raster Layer, Mosaic Layer, or Image Service Layer tab. . Select the region to clean up. Example of reclassification by single values. I also tried Con. 0. It is not intended for use in scripting and is not available in the ArcPy Spatial Analyst module. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our and acknowledge you have read our . Is there a syntax update th Remove anomalies from elevation data. However, this concept of pixels with value-based NoData is foreign to most other raster formats. I tried extract by mask in ArcGIS to extract individual polygon to clip the raster into 300 raster then from individual raster i have collected average elevation but The Pixel Editor tools in ArcGIS Pro allow you to perform many editing tasks on your raster datasets, such as the following: Edit elevation data to fill voids, remove spikes, or remove holes. This raster analysis portal tool is available when you are signed in to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has ArcGIS Image Server configured for Raster Analysis. The first is a conditional raster, where cells not equal to zero (equivalent to boolean TRUE) should be set null. These statistics can be read from an . The clip output includes any pixels that intersect the template extent. Data currently in use in another ArcGIS application cannot be deleted. For example, assume that in the original raster files, NoData = -9999, if you select 8_BIT_UNSIGENED then all NoData values will be assigned 0 (which may be undesirable). Each of the values was added to the red, green, and blue bands. output =Con ( ("Raster. crf file, use the Copy Raster tool, choose CRF as the output format, and choose to process the dataset as multidimensional. To convert a multidimensional mosaic dataset or a multidimensional raster layer to a . Removing data is different than recoding it. 02)-272. The count field represents the number of cells of a particular class. I used rastercalculator to create a raster where cells represent deviation from optimum pH. I tried in ArcGIS (reclass, copy raster). To go from no data to zero, enter “NoData” in the old value Sep 9, 2020 · You can't poke holes in it. I have two raster datasets. Notes. (Optional) A logical expression that determines which of the input cells are to be true or false. The Symbology pane appears. In the Clip Properties pane, for Raster, click the drop-down menu and select the raster data to be clipped. When the tool is run, ArcGIS Pro serves as a client and the processing occurs in the servers federated with ArcGIS Enterprise. You can specify multiple NoData values with the Bands For NoData Value Dec 28, 2011 · Hi, I'm trying to convert null values to zero or other values in raster calculator. 1 Raster Calculator. You can use Reclassify directly to generate a new raster and map the input values to new ones. by JohnSchweisinger. The raster dataset containing the attribute table you want to remove. Interestingly, the No Data values outside of the main area of the image do follow the rule (set the colour to red to see that), but the ones inside the image don't. In the Resample tool pane, enter the following parameters: For Input Raster, choose EastDEM40. This tool also requires the spatial analyst extension in ArcGIS. The following example reclassifies the original values from base raster by ranges to new reclassified values: Example of reclassification by value Jul 11, 2017 · Input conditional raster : InRas1. Apr 15, 2015 · In my raster layers the value -999 means "missing". Feature classes and tables participating in a network In image datasets, each pixel has a value. Feb 20, 2015 · Try running the Con function to create the null condition raster. The large DEM was generated by resampling roughly 3,000 smaller rasters from a 3. the Pixel Editor is available with an Image Analyst license) The Raster Calculator tool is available for use in the application only through the Geoprocessing pane or in ModelBuilder. Improve this answer. I wanted to eliminate negative values and found other questions that dealt with getting rid of negative values. , 0) or to NoData. g. In the ArcCatalog or the Catalog window, right-click the raster dataset and click Properties. When storing the raster dataset in a file format, specify the file extension as follows: . In the raster calculator, you can either write SetNull("raster_name"<0. It can be an integer or a floating-point raster, or a constant value. One answer said use SetNull(raster <0, raster). In ArcGIS Desktop I have a slope raster and calculated mean slope per watershed for a fish habitat model. You could arrange your new table on these Z-values and simply delete all these features below 2 or use the field calculator to change every value under 2 to NULL or 0. Click OK. Typically, you use this tool if you do not want statistics calculated. But would liker to directly in the same first conditional (1) to set could values not to 0 but directly to null, I did it in a third step: set 0 values to null: # Description: Delete unnecessary fields from a feature class or table. ) Use raster math to multiply Raster A with the product created in Step 3. Since there is no count for nodata values, compare the counts of the cells that have data, the total count derived from the raster width and height and assess the Raster2. The input values that will be subtracted from the values of the first input. 5, which leaves you with 163. Check Background. Available with 3D Analyst license. Brightness, contrast, and transparency Jan 2, 2023 · I would like to remove Image's 1, class 1 (white pixels) completely from Image 2. The input whose value the first input will be divided by. 11-30-2017 01:20 AM. For simple calculation, you will often only need to use the Expression parameter. – Konan Pruiksma. Raster Layer. To set negative values to a uniform value, Con("elev" < 0, 0, "elev") Or, to set negative values to NoData. Workspace. Apr 13, 2015 · You did not state if you wanted to set these values to a uniform value (eg. O vídeo foi produzido no QGIS 3. As the rasters are categorical, I would like to view all of them with the same Unique Value symbology. Walid Chaib. Click Save. The background value used by default is 0. This can easily be accomplished in the raster calculator using a Con or SetNull. Or Double click SetNull from the menu under Conditional menu, then double click the raster layer from raster layer listed in the Table of content from inside raster calculator and add the above expression, as you can see below. In ArcMap, click Windows on the Main menu and click Image Analysis. Reclassify pixels, regions, or objects. Use Con on the results to give the original NoData areas a value: Input conditional raster : OutNullRas. How can I do that using raster calculator on ArcGIS Pro? Image 1: Values above 1 and bellow 0 of SMI_2021 raster Image 2: Soil Moisture Index with valid range 0 to 1 Aug 28, 2021 · To achieve this you would need to first change the NoData value to 1 in ArcGIS Pro using Raster Calculator. Obscure or redact confidential pixels. The following example reclassifies the original values from the input base raster one at a time to new reclassified values. Tile width used for segmentation. Those points completely mess up any colormap in qgis because qgis treats them as normal values and includes them in the classification. In the Symbology pane, click the Mask tab. Remove above ground features to create . To set any cell with a value greater than 5 to NoData and have the remaining cells retain their original values, the following parameters could be used on the tool dialog box: Input conditional raster : InRas1. Flow direction output is a floating point raster represented as a single angle in degrees going counter-clockwise from 0 (due east) to 360 (again due east). Aug 27, 2015 · I don't know why, but I think it is because I have nodata value in Variable (slope image, elevation image, distance to roads) and I don't know how I can remove these values. Here is the simple raster calculator expression that I am using: "rho"* 1005*(((("raster")*. For Clipping Type, click the drop-down menu and select Inside. After I re-load the raster, the RGB (0,0,0) values show as white (without any stretching applied) and when I try to remove them using the "display background value" then it does not work. To extract a portion of a feature dataset, use the Clip tool in the Analysis toolbox. Click the Category drop-down arrow and choose the number format. Jun 30, 2022 · I have 600 rasters that when added to ArcGIS Pro 2. In the Symbology pane, click the Advanced symbology options tab , and expand Format labels. The category can be a land-use class such as grassland, forest, or road. NoData Values. The extent of the raster in cells, will give the total number of cells in the raster. Output raster : setnull_1. This value can be changed in the Layer Properties dialog box, on the I have a DEM raster with pixel values between about 3000 and -0. The Boolean math tools interpret the inputs as Boolean values, where nonzero values are considered true, and zero is considered false. Specify a location for the output raster. The clipped area is specified either by a rectangular envelope using minimum and maximum x Apr 9, 2021 · ArcGIS offers a couple options to convert NoData values to another constant, such as zero. 92, "raster_name"). Use preset filters to smooth areas. Most commonly, NoData becomes present in nongrid formats when you update one of these rasters' georeferencing information with the There are tools in the Inspect group of the Pixel Editor tab that you can use to view your elevation data, and there are tools and operations on the Edit tab that can be applied to the data. However, when you choose to display No Data values as transparent (or as any colour) in the Symbology preferences for the layer, the No Data values do not follow that rule. Sam. My process in pictures is as follows: Input Raster: Polygon as clipping extent: Clip tool options: Resulting raster with No Data shown in red: Most recent answer. Click the Edit button. bip — Esri BIP. In the Catalog pane, right-click the raster dataset and click Properties. Specifies whether the boundary polygon of the mosaic Apr 26, 2023 · Replace <InRaster> with the name of the raster layer, and <value> with the value of the raster layer. Expression : "Value < 5". 2. The output range of values is from 0 to 20. Spectral values are used in satellite and aerial imagery to represent light reflectance and color. Identify the NoData locations: Oct 31, 2012 · Using raster calculator to replace the values of one raster with values from another. There are zero ("0") values in some subcatchments where no information was available to calculate the mean. Expression : "Value = 1". Choose which extent should be used in the output raster: First Of—Use the extent of the first input raster to determine the processing extent. Parameters. Match All —The NoData values you specify for each band must occur in the same pixel for the output image to contain the NoData pixel. To replace a particular value in Ras1 with Ras2 you would enter. It then calculates the mean of values across the rows of the block, converts the block numpy array to raster, and recombines the bands via mosaicking. tif" >= 500) & ("Raster. Check the Display background value check box. To recompute the footprints you can edit them manually or use the Build Footprints tool. ) Use raster reclass on the newly created Boolean raster to set "No Value" to "1" and all other values to "0". bil — Esri BIL. You should be able to do this with model builder or python. A constant value can be used as an input for this parameter, provided a raster is specified for the other parameter. If you want the outside cut off and assuming you have a boundary for your LiDAR data then extract by mask using the boundary as a mask. This may need to be smaller or larger, depending on the data. You can fix it in QGIS using transparency in layer properties Dec 1, 2023 · In the search results, click Resample (Data Management Tools). In the first step, IsNull gives the NoData areas a value of 1 and the non-NoData areas a value Performs a Boolean And operation on the pixel values of two input rasters. I need to set all pixel with a value of 0 and smaler (<=0) to "nodata" (for later raster calculations and to reduce the filesize). This will effective delete out the island. How To: Remove and replace no data values within a raster using statistical information from the sur 0 Kudos. 28. Both raster and feature can be used for the zone input. 15)-"temp Oct 13, 2017 · 1. answered Aug 20, 2021 at 19:16. 1. The equivalent using an expression in Map Algebra is as follows: OutRas = SetNull(InRas1 < 5, InRas1) Source: Setting values to NoData with Set Null—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop. For Output Raster Dataset, click the Browse button. One option is to use the Con tool in conjuction with the IsNull tool from the Spatial Analyst toolbox to convert NoData values. An SQL expression to select the raster datasets that will be removed from the mosaic dataset. You must specify a selection or a query; otherwise, the tool will not run. 125 ft cellsize to a 15. Data Type. It would be the value from the original raster though, and you'd have to Reclassify it to 1 or 0. The output from the logical function is a Boolean raster (values of 1 and 0). If one or both input values are false (zero), the output value is 0. GetParameterAsText(0) updatedTable = arcpy. With the Force all edge cells to flow outward parameter in the default value ( NORMAL ), a cell at the edge of the surface raster will flow toward the inner cell with the steepest drop in z We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. what I need is, I want to get the average elevation value of particular division from the raster data using ArcGIS. Set the symbology parameters for the layer. Oct 21, 2016 · This process produced 36 rasters using raster calculator. Search and select the Clip function. Click one or more raster layers in the Image Analysis window. Jan 27, 2022 · Edit the "5,5" variable to change the size of the rectangle. GetParameterAsText(1) # Describe the input (need to test the dataset and data types) desc = arcpy. Raster after Region Group applied. You can reclass one value at a time or groups of values at once using alternative fields; based on a criteria, such as specified intervals (for example, group the values into 10 intervals); or by area This script converts a multiband raster to a three-dimensional NumPy array and processes the array by dividing it into data blocks. 8 automatically display with Stretched symbology. Editing a raster dataset's NoData value. The instructions provided describe how to remove and replace no data values within a raster using statistical information from the surrounding data values. Deleting a shapefile also deletes ancillary files such as the metadata, projection, and index files. If left blank, the default is 512 pixels. If a nodata value is introduced, the bit depth must increased to 16-bit to store the nodata value, which would be the 257th value. tif") If you want the true statement to be 1 and false to be 0 You can define the statistics for a raster or mosaic dataset using this tool. Available with Image Analyst license. Raster Dataset Name with Extension. The equivalent using an expression In the Symbology, I changed the Stretch Type to Minimum-Maximum to get the true values and those previous values are what the raster draws. Set the background color to No color. # Import system modules import arcpy # Get user-supplied input and output arguments inTable = arcpy. nullCondition = Con(((band1 == 0) & (band2 == 0) & (band3 == 0)), 1, 0) Then use the null condition raster to assign NoData values to each band with the set Null function. Oct 28, 2015 · 10-28-2015 01:28 PM. SetNull("elev" < 0 Jun 27, 2016 · Go to ArcToolbox -> Spatial Analyst Tools -> Map Algebra -> Raster Calculator. Expression : "Value > 5". Oct 7, 2013 · Add your rasters an ArcMap session, enable Spatial Analyst and open the Raster Calculator. Oct 12, 2020 · I also have Vector layer which has the 300 divisions of State. When the tool runs, the %A% will be replaced by the value of the variable A. 5. Browse to and open the DEM folder, and for Name, type EastDEM50. Click the button. 625 ft cellsize, then mosaicing them all together NoData is stored natively inside the Esri Grid format. To delete all the records from the mosaic dataset, specify a query that selects all the rasters, such as "OBJECTID>=0". Describe(inTable) # Make a copy of the input (so you can maintain the original as Nov 18, 2015 · Add a comment. As a result, Image 2 will have null values in the position of white pixels from Image 1. From your question, it sounds like this would do exactly what you're trying to do, but let me know if I'm wrong. 625 ft spacing. Once you have added a raster to your map and it appears in the Contents pane, follow the steps below to open the Export Raster pane. This is the default. You must be a registered user to add a comment. That makes sense to me. Extent Type. Advise what extensions you have (e. This workflow will follow these four steps: Start a Pixel Editor session. 4. Next, using a selection tool, such as the Extract by Attributes tool in the Extraction toolbox, an output raster is created where regions smaller than the area threshold have been removed. answered Feb 8, 2019 at 12:07. Oct 8, 2016 · 3. The second is the false raster, representing the desired output cell values where the conditional raster is equal to zero (equivalent to boolean FALSE ). Expression. The format of this table allows the mapping of individual values, ranges of values, strings, or NoData to another value, or NoData. Add a comment. Raster Dataset; Mosaic Dataset; Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer; Image Service; String. Feb 8, 2019 · Run Set Null tool, the expression would be "Value" = 9999, false raster would be input raster. Click the lower half of the Symbology button to access additional symbology options. This tool allows you to change old raster values to new raster values. Deleting a folder moves the folder to the system Recycle Bin, where it can be restored or permanently deleted. A number can be used as an input for this parameter, provided a raster is specified for Raster. Select a feature layer in the Contents pane. The reclassification tools enable you to quickly and easily reclassify your data using remap or reclassification tables. Run Int, which truncates the value, leaving 163. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you Feb 20, 2015 · You should use Raster Calculator and there is a useful and relevant line of code from ESRI's Support page HowTo: Remove and replace no data values within a raster using statistical information from the surrounding data values. Note : Refer to the instructions provided in this article, How To: Remove The Set Null function must be proceeded by a raster function within the Math: Logical category, such as the Greater Than function. Oct 13, 2017 at 9:32. This subcatchments have to get the value "NoData", otherwise my model will think zero is a valid input. Refer to ArcMap: How to change NoData cells to a value for more information. Nov 4, 2023 · Reclassify Tool. The name of the dataset you are creating. Jun 27, 2016 · SetNull with a condition is the way to go if you want only values greater than/greater than or equal to 0. In the "Mosaic to New Raster" under "Pixel Type (optional)" make sure that the selected type covers the NoData values in the original files. These tools copy or replace pixels from the same dataset or from a different dataset in the map. I need to exclude these cells in the expression because they are skewing the results. Input false raster or constant value : InRas1. Select the segmented raster with the tiling artifacts that you want to remove. So then I multiplied each one by a unique class number. Help say this but i don't understand '1. Playlist sobre o proj Nov 16, 2017 · However, the problem I am facing is that the RGB (0,0,0) pixel values i the background border region are not being read correctly. Alternatively, use the Raster Calculator tool to call the Con and IsNull tools to use them to change NoData can be used to define pixel values that surround an image; however, the mosaic dataset can be made more efficient if the footprints are recomputed to remove these boundary areas. 5, run Int, and divide by 100 to round to the nearest hundredth. I got a Raster with an attribute table containing 0 and 1 admittedly, but with only two values now. I tried all the same things listed below to merge them, but all outputs just ended up with 0 and 1 in the value field except for the "combine tool". This turns the "nan" into NoData which is easy to get rid of. The Expression parameter value uses inline variable substitution. But as far as completely eliminating it from your dataset I don't think thats possible. 01 will be assigned to 200 as output values. You must enter a value contained within Nov 30, 2017 · 287. My guess is that the process clips out the unwanted cells, then reevaluates what remains, redistributing the value spectrum across the new-raster cells. Because ArcGIS treats nongrid raster formats the same as grids, NoData is allowed in any supported raster format. HowTo: Convert NoData values to other values for raster data. You can also use a Con statement in the Raster Calculator to generate a binary Feb 4, 2020 · the results is a ratser where are cloud values are equal to 0 and the rest is the data "MyRaster" So, finally I get a raster of my data ("MyRaster") and 0 for clouds. Save your edits. Help Doc Multiply your float raster by 100, add 0. In the example below, the effect of adjusting the gamma values used to display a raster dataset is shown. If both input values are true (nonzero), the output value is 1. Software: ArcGIS Pro 3 1. École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral - ENSSMAL. I know this question is from a few years back but incase anyone else has this issue ( I just did) you can get rid of the odd "nan" value by using the ArcGIS Pro raster calculator and multiplying the raster by 1. Input true raster or constant value : 100. The reclassification tools reclassify or change cell values to alternative values using a variety of methods. Output raster : NullTo100_Ras. Con("<InRaster>" == <value>, 0 , "<InRaster>") For the Output raster parameter, specify a name for the new layer. The Raster Calculator tool allows you to create and run a map algebra expression that will output a raster. Output Location. You can set the minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and mean values for each band. These methods are memory-safe and you can also provide a filename argument so that you do not need to call writeRaster afterwards. The No Data is designed as a placeholder for areas where you have no data such as a mask or areas where there is actually no data. Choose which extent should be used in the output raster: First Of—Use the extent of the first input raster to determine the processing Mar 23, 2023 · I recommend editing your question, to change it slightly so it asks how to remove specific pixels as converting to polygon is not the best way. The statement below worked well for me. Click the column next to the band name to edit the NoData Value. I want to replace values in raster 1 with those in raster 2 where there is an overlay. Occasional Contributor. Pixels within the new raster's bounding extent may need to be assigned as nodata to preserve data values and also keep a proper extent. Specify the properties for formatting legend labels in the Contents pane and in layouts. The NoData Editor dialog box is opened. values(r) <- rnorm(100) x <- clamp(r, useValues=FALSE) y <- reclassify(r, cbind(-Inf, 0, NA), right=FALSE) Note the right=FALSE to not set cells that are zero to NA. Explanation. Article ID:000030146. The Capture group contains Copy Region and Replace Region . The pixel values represent the phenomenon portrayed by the raster dataset, such as a spectral value, category, magnitude, or height. For negatives & 0 the pH is okay. Nov 16, 2017 · However, the problem I am facing is that the RGB (0,0,0) pixel values i the background border region are not being read correctly. It seems for me that this is a task for the raster calculator (set value of pixels <=0 to "nodata") or a reclassification (set value of pixels Aug 23, 2017 · I am attempting to use this method to interpolate currently null values in a raster: How To: Remove and replace no data values within a raster using statistical information from the surrounding data values… This code is not working in raster calculator for Desktop 10. tif" <= 2000),"Raster. edited Feb 5, 2022 at 17:38. Is there a way to convert the Symbology of all 600 rasters from Stretched to Unique values? Aug 28, 2023 · Navigate to the top ribbon, click the Imagery tab, and in the Analysis group click Raster Functions to open the Raster Functions pane. Usage. The result will be an inverted product of Step 2. Oct 6, 2017 · 2. 29 2. Code Block. On the General tab, under Raster Information is the NoData Value. Ensure the background values are set to 0. Con ( [Ras1] == value, [Ras2], [Ras1]) Below are two how to articles on this topic. So you could map 4 to 1 and all other values to 0. Nov 1, 2018 · Thanks, but I would like the values >0 to remain the original values and the values <=0 changed into 0. This tool allows you to extract a portion of a raster dataset based on a template extent. 4. Geoprocessing tools that utilize remap tables are the Jun 20, 2011 · You can consider using a conditional statement in this case if you want the output raster to have the same values as the input, but just be a subset of the full data range. Apr 25, 2020 · For ArcGIS version 10. For example, values range from 0-255 in an 8-bit raster. Reclassifying individual values is usually done when the input values are categorical—for example, land use—or when changing Mar 15, 2021 · See NoData in raster datasets for help on editing NoData values or try focal statistics by follow How To: Remove and replace no data values within a raster using statistical information from the surrounding data values. Raster Layer; Constant. Input Raster. tif in the drop-down list. Feb 13, 2018 · 1. The result will be a raster where all areas of non overlap between A and B is set with A values. Click Run. Jun 8, 2023 · Applying raster symbology to raster layer with different values using ArcGIS Pro 0 In ArcGIS Pro the attributes panel drop-down list of values seems to show symbology categories and not proper domain values I'm trying to clip a raster in ArcMap using a polygon, and I'm wondering if there's any way to have the resulting raster not include any "no data" values (I apologize for the poor grammar). Remove areas smaller than threshold. – You can select from the following two options: Match Any —If the NoData value you specify occurs for a pixel in a specified band, that pixel in the output image will be NoData. The value of variable A plus 120 will be used as the Input raster or constant value 1 in the Greater Than tool. . I am using a raster layer that contains many cells that have a value of zero. xml file. lk ck vn wb mf xj eg uz xb io